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Architecture describtion

This repository is a workspace repository, managed by Rye. Read more about workspaces at the Rye docs. Each workspace-member starts with darts-* and can be seen as an own package or module, except the darts-nextgen directory which is the top-level package. Each package has it's own internal functions and it's public facing API. The public facing API of each package MUST follow the following section API paradigms.

Package overview

Package Name Type Description (Major) Dependencies - all need Xarray
darts-preprocessing Data Loads data and combines the features to a Xarray Dataset GDAL
darts-superresolution Train Trains a supper resolution model to scale Sentinel 2 images from 10m to 3m resolution PyTorch
darts-segmentation Train Trains an segmentation model PyTorch, segmentation_models_pytorch
darts-ensemble Ensemble Ensembles the different models and run the multi-stage inference pipeline. PyTorch
darts-postprocessing Data Further refines the output from an ensemble or segmentaion and binarizes the probs PyTorch
darts-export Data Saves the results from inference and combines the result to the final DARTS dataset GeoPandas, Scipy, Cucim

The following modules are planned or potential ideas for future expansion of the project:

Package Name Type Description (Major) Dependencies - all need Xarray
darts-acquisition Data Fetches data from the data sources GEE, rasterio, ?
darts-detection Train Trains an object detection model PyTorch
darts-? Train Trains a ? model for more complex multi-stage ensembles ?
darts-evaluation Test Evaluates the end-to-end process on a test dataset and external dataset GeoPandas
darts-utils Data Shared utilities for data processing Scipy, Cucim, GeoPandas
darts-train-utils Train Shared utilities for training PyTorch

The packages should follow this architecture: DARTS nextgen architecture

The darts-nextgen utilizes Ray to automaticly parallize the different computations. However, each package should be designed so that one could build their own pipeline without Ray. Hence, all Ray-related functions / transformations etc. should be defined in the darts-nextgen sub-directory.

The packages can decide to wrap their public functions into a CLI with typer.

The Train packages should also hold the code for training specific data preparation, model training and model evaluation. These packages should get their data from (already processed) data from the darts-preprocessing package. They should expose a statefull Model class with an inference function, which can be used by the darts-ensemble package.

Conceptual migration from thaw-slump-segmentation

  • The darts-ensemble and darts-postprocessing packages is the successor of the process-02-inference and process-03-ensemble scripts.
  • The darts-preprocessing and darts-acquisition packages are the successors of the setup-raw-data script and manual work of obtaining data.
  • The darts-export package is splitted from the inference script, should include the previous manual works of combining everything into the final dataset.
  • The darts-superresolution package is the successor of the superresolution repository.
  • The darts-segmentation package is the successor of the train and prepare_data script.
  • The darts-evaluation package is the successor of the different manual evaluations.

Create a new package

A new package can easily created with:

rye init darts-packagename

Rye creates a minimal project structure for us.

The following things needs to be updates:

  1. The pyproject.toml file inside the new package.

Add to the pyproject.toml file inside the new package is the following to enable Ruff:

# Extend the `pyproject.toml` file in the parent directory...
extend = "../pyproject.toml"

Please also provide a description and a list of authors to the file.
  1. The .github/workflows/update_version.yml file, to include the package in the workflow.

    Under package and under step Update version in pyproject.toml.

  2. The docs by creating a ref/ file and add them to the nav inside the mkdocs.yml.

    To enable code detection, also add the package directory under plugins in the mkdocs.yml. Please also add the refs to the top-level

  3. The Readme of the package

APIs between pipeline steps

The following diagram visualizes the steps of the major packages of the pipeline: DARTS nextgen pipeline steps

Each Tile should be represented as a single xr.Dataset with each feature / band as DataVariable. Each DataVariable should have their source documented in the attrs.

Preprocessing Output

Coordinates: x, y and spatial_ref (from rioxarray)

DataVariable shape dtype attrs
blue (x, y) uint16 - source
green (x, y) uint16 - source
red (x, y) uint16 - source
nir (x, y) uint16 - source
ndvi (x, y) float32 - source
relative_elevation (x, y) float32 - source
slope (x, y) float32 - source
tc_brightness (x, y) uint8 - source
tc_greenness (x, y) uint8 - source
tc_wetness (x, y) uint8 - source
valid_data_mask (x, y) bool - source
quality_data_mask (x, y) bool - source

Segmentation / Ensemble Output

Coordinates: x, y and spatial_ref (from rioxarray)

DataVariable shape dtype attrs
[Output from Preprocessing]
probabilities (x, y) float32
probabilities-model-X* (x, y) bool

*: optional intermedia probabilities in an ensemble

Postprocessing Output

Coordinates: x, y and spatial_ref (from rioxarray)

DataVariable shape dtype attrs note
[Output from Preprocessing]
probabilities_percent (x, y) uint8 Values between 0-100, nodata:255
binarized_segmentation (x, y) uint8

PyTorch Model checkpoints

Each checkpoint is stored as a torch .pt tensor file. The checkpoint MUST have the following structure:

    "config": {
        "model_framework": "smp", # Identifier which framework or model was used
        "model": { ... }, # Model specific hyperparameter which are needed to create the model
        "input_combination": [ ... ], # List of strings of the names with which the model was trained, order is important
        "patch_size": 1024, # Patch size on which the model was trained
        ... # More model-framework specific parameter, e.g. normalization method and factors
    "statedict": model.module.state_dict(),

API paradigms

The packages should pass the data as Xarray Datasets between each other. Datasets can hold coordinate information aswell as other metadata (like CRS) in a single self-describing object. Since different tiles do not share the same coordinates or metadata, each tile should be represented by a single Xarray Dataset.

  • Each public facing API function which in some way transforms data should accept a Xarray Dataset as input and return an Xarray Dataset.
  • Data can also be accepted as a list of Xarray Dataset as input and returned as a list of Xarray Datasets for batched processing. In this case, concattenation should happend internally and on numpy or pytorch level, NOT on xarray abstraction level. The reason behind this it that the tiles don't share their coordinates, resulting in a lot of empty spaces between the tiles and high memory usage. The name of the function should then be function_batched.
  • Each public facing API function which loads data should return a single Xarray Dataset for each tile.
  • Data should NOT be saved to file internally, with darts-export as the only exception. Instead, data should returned in-memory as a Xarray Dataset, so the user / pipeline can decide what to save and when.
  • Function names should be verbs, e.g. process, ensemble, do_inference.
  • If a function is stateless it should NOT be part of a class or wrapper
  • If a function is stateful it should be part of a class or wrapper, this is important for Ray


Here are some examples, how these API paradigms should look like.

  1. Single transformation

    import darts-package
    import xarray as xr
    # User loads / creates the dataset (a single tile) by themself
    ds = xr.open_dataset("...")
    # User calls the function to transform the dataset
    ds = darts-package.transform(ds, **kwargs)
    # User can decide by themself what to do next, e.g. save
  2. Batched transformation

    import darts_package
    import xarray as xr
    # User loads / creates multiple datasets (hence, multiple tiles) by themself
    data = [xr.open_dataset("..."), xr.open_dataset("..."), ...]
    # User calls the function to transform the dataset
    data = darts_package.transform_batched(data, **kwargs)
    # User can decide by themself what to do next
  3. Load & preprocess some data

    import darts_package
    # User calls the function to transform the dataset
    ds = darts_package.load("path/to/data", **kwargs)
    # User can decide by themself what to do next
  4. Custom pipeline example

    from pathlib import Path
    import darts_preprocess
    import darts_inference
    DATA_DIR = Path("./data/")
    MODEL_DIR = Path("./models/")
    OUT_DIR = Path("./out/")
    # Inference is a stateful transformation, because it needs to load the model
    # Hence, the 
    ensemble = darts_inference.Ensemble.load(MODEL_DIR)
    # The data directory contains subfolders which then hold the input data
    for dir in DATA_DIR:
        name =
        # Load the files from the processing directory
        ds = darts_preprocess.load_and_preprocess(dir)
        # Do the inferencce
        ds = ensemble.inference(ds)
        # Save the results
        ds.to_netcdf(OUT_DIR / f"{name}")
  5. Pipeline with Ray

    from dataclasses import dataclass
    from pathlib import Path
    import ray
    import darts_preprocess
    import darts_inference
    import darts_export
    DATA_DIR = Path("./data/")
    MODEL_DIR = Path("./models/")
    OUT_DIR = Path("./out/")
    # We need to wrap the Xarray dataset in a class, so that Ray can serialize it
    class Tile:
        ds: xr.Dataset
    # Wrapper for ray
    def open_dataset_ray(row: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
        data = xr.open_dataset(row["path"])
        tile = Tile(data)
        return {
            "input": tile,
    # Wrapper for the preprocessing -> Stateless
    def preprocess_tile_ray(row: dict[str, Tile]) -> dict[str, Tile]:
        ds = darts_preprocess.preprocess(row["input"].ds)
        return {
            "preprocessed": Tile(ds),
            "input": row["input"]
    # Wrapper for the inference -> Statefull
    class EnsembleRay:
        def __init__(self):
            self.ensemble = darts_inference.Ensemble.load(MODEL_DIR)
        def __call__(self, row: dict[str, Tile]) -> dict[str, Tile]:
            ds = self.ensemble.inference(row["preprocessed"].ds)
            return {
                "output": Tile(ds),
                "preprocessed": row["preprocessed"],
                "input": row["input"],
    # We need to add 'local:///' to tell ray that we want to use the local filesystem
    files = data.glob("*.nc")
    file_list = [f"local:////{file.resolve().absolute()}" for file in files]
    ds =, include_paths=True)
    ds = # Lazy open
    ds = # Lazy preprocess
    ds = # Lazy inference
    # Save the results
    for row in ds.iter_rows():["output"].ds, OUT_DIR / f"{row['input']}")

About the Xarray overhead with Ray

Ray expects batched data to be in either numpy or pandas format and can't work with Xarray datasets directly. Hence, a wrapper with custom stacking functions is needed. This tradeoff is not small, however, the benefits in terms of maintainability and readability are worth it.

Xarray overhead with Ray