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This page is also meant for internal documentation.

Editor setup

There is only setup files provided for VSCode and no other editor (yet). A list of extensions and some settings can be found in the .vscode. At the first start, VSCode should ask you if you want to install the recommended extension. The settings should be automaticly used by VSCode. Both should provide the developers with a better experience and enforce code-style.

Environment setup


  • Rye: curl -sSf | bash
  • GDAL: sudo apt update && sudo apt install libpq-dev gdal-bin libgdal-dev or for HPC conda install conda-forge::gdal
  • Clang: sudo apt update && sudo apt install clang or for HPC conda install conda-forge::clang_linux-64

If you install GDAL via apt for linux you can view the supported versions here: For a finer controll over the versions please use conda.

Now first check your gdal-version:

$ gdal-config --version

And your CUDA version (if you want to use CUDA):

$ nvidia-smi
# Now look on the top right of the table

The GDAL version is relevant, since the version of the python bindings needs to match the installed GDAL version

Now, to sync with a specific gdal version, add gdalXX to the --features flag. To sync with a specific cuda version, add cuda1X or without cuda cpu. E.g.:

rye sync -f --features gdal39,cuda12 # For CUDA 12 and GDAL 3.9.2

As of right now, the supported gdal versions are: 3.9.2 (gdal39), 3.8.5 (gdal38), 3.8.4 (gdal384), 3.7.3 (gdal37) and 3.6.4 (gdal36). If your GDAL version is not supported (yet) please sync without GDAL and then install GDAL to an new optional group. For example, if your GDAL version is 3.8.4:

rye sync -f
rye add --optional=gdal384 "gdal==3.8.4"

IMPORTANT! If you installed any of clang or gdal with conda, please ensure that while installing dependencies and working on the project to have the conda environment activated in which you installed clang and or gdal.

Troubleshoot: Rye can't find the right versions

Because the pyproject.toml specifies additional sources, e.g., it can happen that the a package with an older version is found in these package-indexes. If such a version is found, uv (the installer behind Rye) currently stops searching other sources for the right version and stops with an Version not found error. This can look something like this:

No solution found when resolving dependencies:
  ╰─▶ Because only torchmetrics==1.0.3 is available and you require torchmetrics>=1.4.1, we can conclude that your requirements are unsatisfiable.

To fix this you can set an environment variable to tell uv to search all package-indicies:

UV_INDEX_STRATEGY="unsafe-best-match" rye sync ...

I recommend adding the following to your .zshrc or .bashrc:

# Change the behaviour of uv package resolution to enable additional sources without breaking existing version-requirements
export UV_INDEX_STRATEGY="unsafe-best-match"

Please see these issues: