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Image segmentation of thaw-slumps for the DARTS dataset.


An actor that keeps a model as its state and segments tiles.

Source code in darts-segmentation/src/darts_segmentation/
class SMPSegmenter:
    """An actor that keeps a model as its state and segments tiles."""

    config: SMPSegmenterConfig
    model: nn.Module
    device: torch.device

    def __init__(self, model_checkpoint: Path | str):
        """Initialize the segmenter.

            model_checkpoint (Path): The path to the model checkpoint.

        self.device = torch.device("cpu") if not torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device("cuda")
        ckpt = torch.load(model_checkpoint, map_location=self.device)
        self.config = validate_config(ckpt["config"])
        self.model = smp.create_model(**self.config["model"], encoder_weights=None)

    def tile2tensor(self, tile: xr.Dataset) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Take a tile and convert it to a pytorch tensor.

        Respects the input combination from the config.

            A torch tensor for the full tile consisting of the bands specified in `self.band_combination`.

        bands = []
        # e.g. input_combination: ["red", "green", "blue", "relative_elevation", ...]
        # tile.data_vars: ["red", "green", "blue", "relative_elevation", ...]

        for feature_name in self.config["input_combination"]:
            norm = self.config["norm_factors"][feature_name]
            band_data = tile[feature_name]
            band_info_before = lovely(band_data.values)
            # Normalize the band data
            band_data = band_data * norm
            band_info_after = lovely(band_data.values)
                f"Normalised '{feature_name}' with {norm=}.\nBefore: {band_info_before}.\nAfter:  {band_info_after}"

        return torch.stack(bands, dim=0)

    def tile2tensor_batched(self, tiles: list[xr.Dataset]) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Take a list of tiles and convert them to a pytorch tensor.

        Respects the the input combination from the config.

            A torch tensor for the full tile consisting of the bands specified in `self.band_combination`.

        bands = []
        for feature_name in self.config["input_combination"]:
            norm = self.config["norm_factors"][feature_name]
            for tile in tiles:
                band_data = tile[feature_name]
                band_info_before = lovely(band_data.values)
                # Normalize the band data
                band_data = band_data * norm
                band_info_after = lovely(band_data.values)
                    f"Normalised '{feature_name}' with {norm=}.\nBefore: {band_info_before}.\nAfter:  {band_info_after}"
        # TODO: Test this
        return torch.stack(bands, dim=0).reshape(len(tiles), len(self.config["input_combination"]), *bands[0].shape)

    def segment_tile(
        self, tile: xr.Dataset, patch_size: int = 1024, overlap: int = 16, batch_size: int = 8, reflection: int = 0
    ) -> xr.Dataset:
        """Run inference on a tile.

            tile: The input tile, containing preprocessed, harmonized data.
            patch_size (int): The size of the patches. Defaults to 1024.
            overlap (int): The size of the overlap. Defaults to 16.
            batch_size (int): The batch size for the prediction, NOT the batch_size of input tiles.
            Tensor will be sliced into patches and these again will be infered in batches. Defaults to 8.
            reflection (int): Reflection-Padding which will be applied to the edges of the tensor. Defaults to 0.

            Input tile augmented by a predicted `probabilities` layer with type float32 and range [0, 1].

        # Convert the tile to a tensor
        tensor_tile = self.tile2tensor(tile)

        # Create a batch dimension, because predict expects it
        tensor_tile = tensor_tile.unsqueeze(0)

        probabilities = predict_in_patches(
            self.model, tensor_tile, patch_size, overlap, batch_size, reflection, self.device

        # Highly sophisticated DL-based predictor
        # TODO: is there a better way to pass metadata?
        tile["probabilities"] = tile["red"].copy(data=probabilities.cpu().numpy())
        tile["probabilities"].attrs = {
            "long_name": "Probabilities",
        tile["probabilities"] = tile["probabilities"].fillna(float("nan")).rio.write_nodata(float("nan"))
        return tile

    def segment_tile_batched(
        tiles: list[xr.Dataset],
        patch_size: int = 1024,
        overlap: int = 16,
        batch_size: int = 8,
        reflection: int = 0,
    ) -> list[xr.Dataset]:
        """Run inference on a list of tiles.

            tiles: The input tiles, containing preprocessed, harmonized data.
            patch_size (int): The size of the patches. Defaults to 1024.
            overlap (int): The size of the overlap. Defaults to 16.
            batch_size (int): The batch size for the prediction, NOT the batch_size of input tiles.
            Tensor will be sliced into patches and these again will be infered in batches. Defaults to 8.
            reflection (int): Reflection-Padding which will be applied to the edges of the tensor. Defaults to 0.

            A list of input tiles augmented by a predicted `probabilities` layer with type float32 and range [0, 1].

        # Convert the tiles to tensors
        # TODO: maybe create a batched tile2tensor function?
        # tensor_tiles = [self.tile2tensor(tile).to( for tile in tiles]
        tensor_tiles = self.tile2tensor_batched(tiles)

        # Create a batch dimension, because predict expects it
        tensor_tiles = torch.stack(tensor_tiles, dim=0)

        probabilities = predict_in_patches(
            self.model, tensor_tiles, patch_size, overlap, batch_size, reflection, self.device

        # Highly sophisticated DL-based predictor
        for tile, probs in zip(tiles, probabilities):
            # TODO: is there a better way to pass metadata?
            tile["probabilities"] = tile["red"].copy(data=probs.cpu().numpy())
            tile["probabilities"].attrs = {
                "long_name": "Probabilities",
            tile["probabilities"] = tile["probabilities"].fillna(float("nan")).rio.write_nodata(float("nan"))
        return tiles

    def __call__(
        input: xr.Dataset | list[xr.Dataset],
        patch_size: int = 1024,
        overlap: int = 16,
        batch_size: int = 8,
        reflection: int = 0,
    ) -> xr.Dataset | list[xr.Dataset]:
        """Run inference on a single tile or a list of tiles.

            input: A single tile or a list of tiles.
            patch_size (int): The size of the patches. Defaults to 1024.
            overlap (int): The size of the overlap. Defaults to 16.
            batch_size (int): The batch size for the prediction, NOT the batch_size of input tiles.
            Tensor will be sliced into patches and these again will be infered in batches. Defaults to 8.
            reflection (int): Reflection-Padding which will be applied to the edges of the tensor. Defaults to 0.

            A single tile or a list of tiles augmented by a predicted `probabilities` layer, depending on the input.
            Each `probability` has type float32 and range [0, 1].

            ValueError: in case the input is not an xr.Dataset or a list of xr.Dataset

        if isinstance(input, xr.Dataset):
            return self.segment_tile(
                input, patch_size=patch_size, overlap=overlap, batch_size=batch_size, reflection=reflection
        elif isinstance(input, list):
            return self.segment_tile_batched(
                input, patch_size=patch_size, overlap=overlap, batch_size=batch_size, reflection=reflection
            raise ValueError(f"Expected xr.Dataset or list of xr.Dataset, got {type(input)}")

config: SMPSegmenterConfig = validate_config(ckpt['config']) instance-attribute

device: torch.device = torch.device('cpu') if not torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device('cuda') instance-attribute

model: nn.Module = smp.create_model(**self.config['model'], encoder_weights=None) instance-attribute

__call__(input, patch_size=1024, overlap=16, batch_size=8, reflection=0)

Run inference on a single tile or a list of tiles.


Name Type Description Default
input Dataset | list[Dataset]

A single tile or a list of tiles.

patch_size int

The size of the patches. Defaults to 1024.

overlap int

The size of the overlap. Defaults to 16.

batch_size int

The batch size for the prediction, NOT the batch_size of input tiles.

reflection int

Reflection-Padding which will be applied to the edges of the tensor. Defaults to 0.



Type Description
Dataset | list[Dataset]

A single tile or a list of tiles augmented by a predicted probabilities layer, depending on the input.

Dataset | list[Dataset]

Each probability has type float32 and range [0, 1].


Type Description

in case the input is not an xr.Dataset or a list of xr.Dataset

Source code in darts-segmentation/src/darts_segmentation/
def __call__(
    input: xr.Dataset | list[xr.Dataset],
    patch_size: int = 1024,
    overlap: int = 16,
    batch_size: int = 8,
    reflection: int = 0,
) -> xr.Dataset | list[xr.Dataset]:
    """Run inference on a single tile or a list of tiles.

        input: A single tile or a list of tiles.
        patch_size (int): The size of the patches. Defaults to 1024.
        overlap (int): The size of the overlap. Defaults to 16.
        batch_size (int): The batch size for the prediction, NOT the batch_size of input tiles.
        Tensor will be sliced into patches and these again will be infered in batches. Defaults to 8.
        reflection (int): Reflection-Padding which will be applied to the edges of the tensor. Defaults to 0.

        A single tile or a list of tiles augmented by a predicted `probabilities` layer, depending on the input.
        Each `probability` has type float32 and range [0, 1].

        ValueError: in case the input is not an xr.Dataset or a list of xr.Dataset

    if isinstance(input, xr.Dataset):
        return self.segment_tile(
            input, patch_size=patch_size, overlap=overlap, batch_size=batch_size, reflection=reflection
    elif isinstance(input, list):
        return self.segment_tile_batched(
            input, patch_size=patch_size, overlap=overlap, batch_size=batch_size, reflection=reflection
        raise ValueError(f"Expected xr.Dataset or list of xr.Dataset, got {type(input)}")


Initialize the segmenter.


Name Type Description Default
model_checkpoint Path

The path to the model checkpoint.

Source code in darts-segmentation/src/darts_segmentation/
def __init__(self, model_checkpoint: Path | str):
    """Initialize the segmenter.

        model_checkpoint (Path): The path to the model checkpoint.

    self.device = torch.device("cpu") if not torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device("cuda")
    ckpt = torch.load(model_checkpoint, map_location=self.device)
    self.config = validate_config(ckpt["config"])
    self.model = smp.create_model(**self.config["model"], encoder_weights=None)

segment_tile(tile, patch_size=1024, overlap=16, batch_size=8, reflection=0)

Run inference on a tile.


Name Type Description Default
tile Dataset

The input tile, containing preprocessed, harmonized data.

patch_size int

The size of the patches. Defaults to 1024.

overlap int

The size of the overlap. Defaults to 16.

batch_size int

The batch size for the prediction, NOT the batch_size of input tiles.

reflection int

Reflection-Padding which will be applied to the edges of the tensor. Defaults to 0.



Type Description

Input tile augmented by a predicted probabilities layer with type float32 and range [0, 1].

Source code in darts-segmentation/src/darts_segmentation/
def segment_tile(
    self, tile: xr.Dataset, patch_size: int = 1024, overlap: int = 16, batch_size: int = 8, reflection: int = 0
) -> xr.Dataset:
    """Run inference on a tile.

        tile: The input tile, containing preprocessed, harmonized data.
        patch_size (int): The size of the patches. Defaults to 1024.
        overlap (int): The size of the overlap. Defaults to 16.
        batch_size (int): The batch size for the prediction, NOT the batch_size of input tiles.
        Tensor will be sliced into patches and these again will be infered in batches. Defaults to 8.
        reflection (int): Reflection-Padding which will be applied to the edges of the tensor. Defaults to 0.

        Input tile augmented by a predicted `probabilities` layer with type float32 and range [0, 1].

    # Convert the tile to a tensor
    tensor_tile = self.tile2tensor(tile)

    # Create a batch dimension, because predict expects it
    tensor_tile = tensor_tile.unsqueeze(0)

    probabilities = predict_in_patches(
        self.model, tensor_tile, patch_size, overlap, batch_size, reflection, self.device

    # Highly sophisticated DL-based predictor
    # TODO: is there a better way to pass metadata?
    tile["probabilities"] = tile["red"].copy(data=probabilities.cpu().numpy())
    tile["probabilities"].attrs = {
        "long_name": "Probabilities",
    tile["probabilities"] = tile["probabilities"].fillna(float("nan")).rio.write_nodata(float("nan"))
    return tile

segment_tile_batched(tiles, patch_size=1024, overlap=16, batch_size=8, reflection=0)

Run inference on a list of tiles.


Name Type Description Default
tiles list[Dataset]

The input tiles, containing preprocessed, harmonized data.

patch_size int

The size of the patches. Defaults to 1024.

overlap int

The size of the overlap. Defaults to 16.

batch_size int

The batch size for the prediction, NOT the batch_size of input tiles.

reflection int

Reflection-Padding which will be applied to the edges of the tensor. Defaults to 0.



Type Description

A list of input tiles augmented by a predicted probabilities layer with type float32 and range [0, 1].

Source code in darts-segmentation/src/darts_segmentation/
def segment_tile_batched(
    tiles: list[xr.Dataset],
    patch_size: int = 1024,
    overlap: int = 16,
    batch_size: int = 8,
    reflection: int = 0,
) -> list[xr.Dataset]:
    """Run inference on a list of tiles.

        tiles: The input tiles, containing preprocessed, harmonized data.
        patch_size (int): The size of the patches. Defaults to 1024.
        overlap (int): The size of the overlap. Defaults to 16.
        batch_size (int): The batch size for the prediction, NOT the batch_size of input tiles.
        Tensor will be sliced into patches and these again will be infered in batches. Defaults to 8.
        reflection (int): Reflection-Padding which will be applied to the edges of the tensor. Defaults to 0.

        A list of input tiles augmented by a predicted `probabilities` layer with type float32 and range [0, 1].

    # Convert the tiles to tensors
    # TODO: maybe create a batched tile2tensor function?
    # tensor_tiles = [self.tile2tensor(tile).to( for tile in tiles]
    tensor_tiles = self.tile2tensor_batched(tiles)

    # Create a batch dimension, because predict expects it
    tensor_tiles = torch.stack(tensor_tiles, dim=0)

    probabilities = predict_in_patches(
        self.model, tensor_tiles, patch_size, overlap, batch_size, reflection, self.device

    # Highly sophisticated DL-based predictor
    for tile, probs in zip(tiles, probabilities):
        # TODO: is there a better way to pass metadata?
        tile["probabilities"] = tile["red"].copy(data=probs.cpu().numpy())
        tile["probabilities"].attrs = {
            "long_name": "Probabilities",
        tile["probabilities"] = tile["probabilities"].fillna(float("nan")).rio.write_nodata(float("nan"))
    return tiles


Take a tile and convert it to a pytorch tensor.

Respects the input combination from the config.


Type Description

A torch tensor for the full tile consisting of the bands specified in self.band_combination.

Source code in darts-segmentation/src/darts_segmentation/
def tile2tensor(self, tile: xr.Dataset) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Take a tile and convert it to a pytorch tensor.

    Respects the input combination from the config.

        A torch tensor for the full tile consisting of the bands specified in `self.band_combination`.

    bands = []
    # e.g. input_combination: ["red", "green", "blue", "relative_elevation", ...]
    # tile.data_vars: ["red", "green", "blue", "relative_elevation", ...]

    for feature_name in self.config["input_combination"]:
        norm = self.config["norm_factors"][feature_name]
        band_data = tile[feature_name]
        band_info_before = lovely(band_data.values)
        # Normalize the band data
        band_data = band_data * norm
        band_info_after = lovely(band_data.values)
            f"Normalised '{feature_name}' with {norm=}.\nBefore: {band_info_before}.\nAfter:  {band_info_after}"

    return torch.stack(bands, dim=0)


Take a list of tiles and convert them to a pytorch tensor.

Respects the the input combination from the config.


Type Description

A torch tensor for the full tile consisting of the bands specified in self.band_combination.

Source code in darts-segmentation/src/darts_segmentation/
def tile2tensor_batched(self, tiles: list[xr.Dataset]) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Take a list of tiles and convert them to a pytorch tensor.

    Respects the the input combination from the config.

        A torch tensor for the full tile consisting of the bands specified in `self.band_combination`.

    bands = []
    for feature_name in self.config["input_combination"]:
        norm = self.config["norm_factors"][feature_name]
        for tile in tiles:
            band_data = tile[feature_name]
            band_info_before = lovely(band_data.values)
            # Normalize the band data
            band_data = band_data * norm
            band_info_after = lovely(band_data.values)
                f"Normalised '{feature_name}' with {norm=}.\nBefore: {band_info_before}.\nAfter:  {band_info_after}"
    # TODO: Test this
    return torch.stack(bands, dim=0).reshape(len(tiles), len(self.config["input_combination"]), *bands[0].shape)


Bases: TypedDict

Configuration for the segmentor.

Source code in darts-segmentation/src/darts_segmentation/
class SMPSegmenterConfig(TypedDict):
    """Configuration for the segmentor."""

    input_combination: list[str]
    model: dict[str, Any]
    norm_factors: dict[str, float]

input_combination: list[str] instance-attribute

model: dict[str, Any] instance-attribute

norm_factors: dict[str, float] instance-attribute

create_patches(tensor_tiles, patch_size, overlap, return_coords=False)

Create patches from a tensor.


Name Type Description Default
tensor_tiles Tensor

The input tensor. Shape: (BS, C, H, W).

patch_size int

The size of the patches.

overlap int

The size of the overlap.

return_coords bool

Whether to return the coordinates of the patches. Can be used for debugging. Defaults to False.



Type Description

torch.Tensor: The patches. Shape: (BS, N_h, N_w, C, patch_size, patch_size).

Source code in darts-segmentation/src/darts_segmentation/
def create_patches(
    tensor_tiles: torch.Tensor, patch_size: int, overlap: int, return_coords: bool = False
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Create patches from a tensor.

        tensor_tiles (torch.Tensor): The input tensor. Shape: (BS, C, H, W).
        patch_size (int, optional): The size of the patches.
        overlap (int, optional): The size of the overlap.
        return_coords (bool, optional): Whether to return the coordinates of the patches.
            Can be used for debugging. Defaults to False.

        torch.Tensor: The patches. Shape: (BS, N_h, N_w, C, patch_size, patch_size).

    start_time = time.time()
        f"Creating patches from a tensor with shape {tensor_tiles.shape} "
        f"with patch_size {patch_size} and overlap {overlap}"
    assert tensor_tiles.dim() == 4, f"Expects tensor_tiles to has shape (BS, C, H, W), got {tensor_tiles.shape}"
    bs, c, h, w = tensor_tiles.shape
    assert h > patch_size > overlap
    assert w > patch_size > overlap

    step_size = patch_size - overlap

    # The problem with unfold is that is cuts off the last patch if it doesn't fit exactly
    # Padding could help, but then the next problem is that the view needs to get reshaped (copied in memory)
    # to fit the model input shape. Such a complex view can't be inserted into the model.
    # Since we need, doing it manually is currently our best choice, since be can avoid the padding.
    # patches = (
    #     tensor_tiles.unfold(2, patch_size, step_size).unfold(3, patch_size, step_size).transpose(1, 2).transpose(2, 3)
    # )
    # return patches

    nh, nw = math.ceil((h - overlap) / step_size), math.ceil((w - overlap) / step_size)
    # Create Patches of size (BS, N_h, N_w, C, patch_size, patch_size)
    patches = torch.zeros((bs, nh, nw, c, patch_size, patch_size), device=tensor_tiles.device)
    coords = torch.zeros((nh, nw, 5))
    for i, (y, x, patch_idx_h, patch_idx_w) in enumerate(patch_coords(h, w, patch_size, overlap)):
        patches[:, patch_idx_h, patch_idx_w, :] = tensor_tiles[:, :, y : y + patch_size, x : x + patch_size]
        coords[patch_idx_h, patch_idx_w, :] = torch.tensor([i, y, x, patch_idx_h, patch_idx_w])

    logger.debug(f"Creating {nh * nw} patches took {time.time() - start_time:.2f}s")
    if return_coords:
        return patches, coords
        return patches

patch_coords(h, w, patch_size, overlap)

Yield patch coordinates based on height, width, patch size and margin size.


Name Type Description Default
h int

Height of the image.

w int

Width of the image.

patch_size int

Patch size.

overlap int

Margin size.



Type Description
tuple[int, int, int, int]

tuple[int, int, int, int]: The patch coordinates y, x, patch_idx_y and patch_idx_x.

Source code in darts-segmentation/src/darts_segmentation/
def patch_coords(h: int, w: int, patch_size: int, overlap: int) -> Generator[tuple[int, int, int, int], None, None]:
    """Yield patch coordinates based on height, width, patch size and margin size.

        h (int): Height of the image.
        w (int): Width of the image.
        patch_size (int): Patch size.
        overlap (int): Margin size.

        tuple[int, int, int, int]: The patch coordinates y, x, patch_idx_y and patch_idx_x.

    step_size = patch_size - overlap
    # Substract the overlap from h and w so that an exact match of the last patch won't create a duplicate
    for patch_idx_y, y in enumerate(range(0, h - overlap, step_size)):
        for patch_idx_x, x in enumerate(range(0, w - overlap, step_size)):
            if y + patch_size > h:
                y = h - patch_size
            if x + patch_size > w:
                x = w - patch_size
            yield y, x, patch_idx_y, patch_idx_x

predict_in_patches(model, tensor_tiles, patch_size, overlap, batch_size, reflection, device=torch.device, return_weights=False)

Predict on a tensor.


Name Type Description Default
model Module

The model to use for prediction.

tensor_tiles Tensor

The input tensor. Shape: (BS, C, H, W).

patch_size int

The size of the patches.

overlap int

The size of the overlap.

batch_size int

The batch size for the prediction, NOT the batch_size of input tiles. Tensor will be sliced into patches and these again will be infered in batches.

reflection int

Reflection-Padding which will be applied to the edges of the tensor.

device device

The device to use for the prediction.

return_weights bool

Whether to return the weights. Can be used for debugging. Defaults to False.



Type Description

The predicted tensor.

Source code in darts-segmentation/src/darts_segmentation/
def predict_in_patches(
    model: nn.Module,
    tensor_tiles: torch.Tensor,
    patch_size: int,
    overlap: int,
    batch_size: int,
    reflection: int,
    return_weights: bool = False,
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Predict on a tensor.

        model: The model to use for prediction.
        tensor_tiles: The input tensor. Shape: (BS, C, H, W).
        patch_size (int): The size of the patches.
        overlap (int): The size of the overlap.
        batch_size (int): The batch size for the prediction, NOT the batch_size of input tiles.
            Tensor will be sliced into patches and these again will be infered in batches.
        reflection (int): Reflection-Padding which will be applied to the edges of the tensor.
        device (torch.device): The device to use for the prediction.
        return_weights (bool, optional): Whether to return the weights. Can be used for debugging. Defaults to False.

        The predicted tensor.

    start_time = time.time()
        f"Predicting on a tensor with shape {tensor_tiles.shape} "
        f"with patch_size {patch_size}, overlap {overlap} and batch_size {batch_size} on device {device}"
    assert tensor_tiles.dim() == 4, f"Expects tensor_tiles to has shape (BS, C, H, W), got {tensor_tiles.shape}"
    # Add a 1px + reflection border to avoid pixel loss when applying the soft margin and to reduce edge-artefacts
    p = 1 + reflection
    tensor_tiles = torch.nn.functional.pad(tensor_tiles, (p, p, p, p), mode="reflect")
    bs, c, h, w = tensor_tiles.shape
    step_size = patch_size - overlap
    nh, nw = math.ceil((h - overlap) / step_size), math.ceil((w - overlap) / step_size)

    # Create Patches of size (BS, N_h, N_w, C, patch_size, patch_size)
    patches = create_patches(tensor_tiles, patch_size=patch_size, overlap=overlap)

    # Flatten the patches so they fit to the model
    # (BS, N_h, N_w, C, patch_size, patch_size) -> (BS * N_h * N_w, C, patch_size, patch_size)
    patches = patches.view(bs * nh * nw, c, patch_size, patch_size)

    # Create a soft margin for the patches
    margin_ramp =
            torch.linspace(0, 1, overlap),
            torch.ones(patch_size - 2 * overlap),
            torch.linspace(1, 0, overlap),
    soft_margin = margin_ramp.reshape(1, 1, patch_size) * margin_ramp.reshape(1, patch_size, 1)
    soft_margin =

    # Infer logits with model and turn into probabilities with sigmoid in a batched manner
    # TODO: check with ingmar and jonas if moving all patches to the device at the same time is a good idea
    patched_probabilities = torch.zeros_like(patches[:, 0, :, :])
    patches = patches.split(batch_size)
    for i, batch in track(enumerate(patches), total=len(patches), description="Predicting on patches"):
        batch =
        # logger.debug(f"Predicting on batch {i + 1}/{len(patches)}")
        patched_probabilities[i * batch_size : (i + 1) * batch_size] = (
        batch =  # Transfer back to the original device to avoid memory leaks

    patched_probabilities = patched_probabilities.view(bs, nh, nw, patch_size, patch_size)

    # Reconstruct the image from the patches
    prediction = torch.zeros(bs, h, w, device=tensor_tiles.device)
    weights = torch.zeros(bs, h, w, device=tensor_tiles.device)

    for y, x, patch_idx_h, patch_idx_w in patch_coords(h, w, patch_size, overlap):
        patch = patched_probabilities[:, patch_idx_h, patch_idx_w]
        prediction[:, y : y + patch_size, x : x + patch_size] += patch * soft_margin
        weights[:, y : y + patch_size, x : x + patch_size] += soft_margin

    # Avoid division by zero
    weights = torch.where(weights == 0, torch.ones_like(weights), weights)
    prediction = prediction / weights

    # Remove the 1px border and the padding
    prediction = prediction[:, p:-p, p:-p]
    logger.debug(f"Predicting took {time.time() - start_time:.2f}s")

    if return_weights:
        return prediction, weights
        return prediction